K9Win Customer Service

K9Win's support assists with casino and betting queries.

How to Contact the K9Win Support Team in Australia?

Managers are available 24/7. You can contact the support team in any convenient way:

  • Via Live Chat. The button is located in the bottom right corner of the home page. Unauthorized users cannot open the chat. You need to enter User ID, Telegram or Whatsapp number, email address.  
  • Via social networks and messengers Telegram, Whatsapp and Facebook. Contact details can be found in the “Support” section in the footer of the website.

No email to which you could send a letter is listed. There is no 24/7 hotline either. 

In order for K9Win tech support to help you solve your problem as quickly as possible, please try to formulate your question as clearly and concisely as possible. Attach screenshots if necessary.

Support is also available through our K9Win App.

Contact K9Win support via Live Chat, Telegram, Whatsapp, and Facebook.
